Toxic Autism Awareness
Toxic autism awareness - sorting out autism fact from autism fiction Judy Endow Autism Fact or Autism Fiction During the past week I have run into two different people in my personal life who have
The Advantage of Autistic Difference in Visual Perception
Autistic writer, artist and consultant, Judy Endow on autistic difference in visual perception. As a child, people sometimes thought I was stubborn and resistant when I did not want to allow them into my space
Eye Contact and Autistic Dissociation: One Example
Autistic writer, artist and consultant, Judy Endow on eye contact and autistic dissociation. Autistic Dissociation “Dissociation is the ability to cut off from what is happening around you or to you. In its simplest
I’m Not the One Who Is Lost
I am thinking you will understand more when you see the feeling . The feeling on my side.
Love Not Fear
Love Not Fear. Henry Frost on Autism Acceptance Two Houses a story of Autism Acceptance. There are two houses. There are two boys that live in these houses. Each house inside has one family
All the people saw my intelligence. No test first.
My family saw. I had hopeful times . Tracy invited me home to Vermont to learn . I went to ICI to learn. All the people saw my intelligence . No test first. It was
The Gymnastics of Person First Language
by Amy Sequenzia This post is about Person First Language and autism. Another title for this post could be: "Disability Language, and "Gymnastics". Some might find part of it funny, but I am not kidding.
Universal Design and Disability Acceptance
by Amy Sequenzia Universal Design If you are reading this, you probably should know that inclusion of disabled students, with the supports they need, is beneficial to all students. Universal Design is a thing. It
Disability, Safety, and Value
Disability, Safety, and Value by Amy Sequenzia This post will mention the attitude of some parents. This post is not about love or wanting the best for a child. It is about being conscious that
The Quiet Key to This School’s Success
What do you do when you become the principal of a school with the lowest academic performance and the highest rate of suspension, absenteeism, and teacher turn over? Nothing. Nothing for 15 minutes twice
Five Reasons You Need to Read ‘Ghost Boy’ by Martin Pistorius
For over ten years Martin Pistorius was trapped in his own body, fully cognizant, but unable to speak or move. He was surrounded by people who believed he was incapable of thinking and tried desperately to get just one person to notice. His story serves as a wake-up call for all of us to drastically change our assumptions about speech and intellectual capacity as well as the need to radically reform expectations and treatment of people with complex communication needs.
We can all use a daily reminder that we are loved, accepted and adored for being exactly who we are. Ollibean Goods of the Day- "LOVED as I am" , "You Are Loved" and "I Am Loved" .
All children should grow up feeling loved accepted and whole. Not just at home, but in their schools and communities.
Over 30 years of research shows that ALL students do better in inclusive educational settings – both socially and academically.
High expectations and access to rich academic content benefits each and every child.