Today is Autistics Speaking Day,  a day to remind the world that we actually speak every day,  even if we do it with our fingers. Amy Sequenzia

My voice is unique
It does not come out in a usual manner

I speak through my fingers
Gentle strokes on a keyboard

I could have remained silent
I could have chosen a passive life

But my fingers would not accept a quiet existence

So I type my thoughts
I fight for autism rights

My brain and a keyboard
My thoughts awaiting

Restless fingers demanding to be heard
Flowing words, my manifesto

My fingers will not accept a quiet existence

Silent no more
My voice through my fingers

I will not accept to be ignored
Listen to what I have to say

We are here, here to stay
We find ways to scream our words


Image description black and white photograph of woman with short dark brown hair. She is smiling. Dark grey text reads:Amy Sequenzia Passionate Autistic activist, writer, and poet . Read more from Amy on Ollibean and visit .